Car Accidents – Brain Injuries

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Car Accidents – Brain Injuries

Auto accidents can sometimes cause very traumatic injuries. Brain injuries are serious, life-changing events and recovery is often difficult to predict. As one of the more common types of car accident injuries, it may also be the one that has the greatest effect on the victim’s family. More about Car Accident Lawyer here
It is sometimes hard for individuals and family members to think about how that person’s business will be carried out if he or she is unable to communicate. Brain injuries often bring this situation about. When a person suffers a traumatic brain injury (TBI), he or she may be unable to communicate effectively or make choices concerning treatment. In such cases, one or more family members may need to step in to act on behalf of the injured person. During such an emotional and distressing time, that may be a difficult task.

Call us to speak with an experienced accident attorney.

What Exactly Are Traumatic Brain Injuries?

TBIs happen in several ways depending on the circumstances of the car crash that takes place. Sometimes they may be caused by external force from outside the body that comes into contact with the skull, such as a head hitting a windshield. These are frequently classified as head injuries. In other cases, it can be what is described as secondary brain injury which takes place over time after the initial trauma or accident. Symptoms of this type of injury are:

Brain swelling, or edema
Increased pressure inside of the skull, or intracranial pressure
Intracranial infection
Low or high blood pressure
Low sodium levels
Too much or not enough carbon dioxide
Abnormal blood coagulation

Many times, the person who experiences these symptoms may be unconscious or in a coma as a result of the initial accident. For those that are not, however, the person typically believes that he or she is fine, and then begins experiencing these symptoms, which worsen as time passes.

Letting Doctors Help

One of the most important things a person can do when he or she has been involved in a serious car accident is to allow medical professionals to examine and monitor his or her condition. Sometimes, those who have been the victims of fatal car accidents did not die at the scene of the crash, but days later as the result of one of the complications listed above.

Injuries of this type can take months of medical treatment and rehabilitation. Even if the injured person is conscious and aware enough to handle his or her own affairs, the stress of dealing with medical bills, lost wages, and insurance claims can be too much to handle. An attorney who is familiar with the needs of those who have experienced a TBI can be very helpful to the victim or to the victim’s legal representative during the decision-making process.

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